Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Is It Them or Is It Me?

In every relationship be it between a spouse, a co-worker, a family member or friend; there are bound to be occasional conflicts. When you find yourself faced with the seemingly unresolvable conflict, you need to honestly ask yourself, "Is it them or is it me?" We fallible human beings have a natural propensity whenever there's a problem to lay blame everywhere but at our own doorstep. It's always the other person who's being unreasonable, unyielding, insensitive, stubborn etc. etc.

Let me caution you today, before you point a finger at the other person, remember the word of the Lord. "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone." (John 8:7) Examine your own heart, your own emotions and ask yourself..."Is it them or is it me?" The key to any good relationship is communication. Everyone always assumes communication means talking to (or more often than not) talking at the other person. In reality communication is more about "listening". We must learn to seek God's wisdom and ask him for divine discernment, so that we might be able to really hear not just with our ears but with our hearts; what the other person is really trying to say. We must ask God to give us the patience to first be silent so that we can hear, and then enable us to respond not with passion (in the heat of an argument passion is usually more about anger than love) but with compassion.

I believe if we strive to respond with compassion we will find it easier to have empathy for the other person's point of view. I believe when we start to do less talking and more listening we'll begin to hear and really understand the real reason for the conflict, and then and only then can we can began to work on a resolution.

I know what you're thinking, what about the other person? If the relationship really means anything to you while you're praying and asking God to give YOU wisdom and patience, you'll ask Him to do the same for THEM. But you have to start somewhere, why not start with yourself?

To borrow a very profound statement and lyric from the late great Micheal Jackson (God rest his soul) start with the man/woman in the mirror. If you want to make YOUR world a better place, take a look at YOURSELF....and make a CHANGE!

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed and extremely proud of your faith and talent to step out there in the blogasphere with your ministry. Godspeed and much love to you Li'Sis. The Lord will inspire you to act as a baseball umpire to call'um as you see 'um!-(Not anonymous - Ralph)


Prayer List

God bless you all, and please keep our family members and friends in your prayers: (please let me know if there is anyone you would like to add to this list by emailing me directly at dcartergranny@yahoo.com)
On this day as I was reading this the Lord said as an act of faith change the prayer list because I've already done these things according to your faith.

President Obama and Family-Blessed & Highly Favored
Vice President Biden and Family-Blessed & Highly Favored

William Lobb - Healed
Renee & John Thomas - Covered and Comforted
Bonnie Williams - Healed
Denise Jackson - Healed, Delivered and Restored
Linnetta Taylor - Employed
Pat Cory - Healed
Reggie & Cheryl Southard
Jerome Reese - Healed
Madlen Willis - Healed
Tamika - Covered and Comforted
Rico - Absent from the body, present with the Lord
Alexis Carter - Healed
Kevin Carter - Covered and Employed
Asia Church, Co-Pastor BJ Hillsman - Covered
Alvina Wilerson - Healed and Comforted
Shirley Flemming - Reconciled, Marriage Restored
Danielle Lindsey and Family - Employed
James Lindsey- Spiritually strengthed
Pamela Lindsey- Healed
Marsheila Lane - Healed
Nazamova Rhodes - Healed
Belinda Houston - Healed
Lisa - Healed
Eva Dixon - Employed
Oliver and Sherry Warnsley - Healed
Garry & Arlita - Healed
Reggie & Joyce - Healed
Sharon Westbrook - Healed
Erica Cleaves - Living in her new home
Ken and Dawanda Asberry - Blessed and Spiritually enlightened
Christelle Owens - Healed
Curt and Moneida Davis - Delivered and Blessed
Anita Whopper - Financially blessed
Victonia Smith - Employed
Lorraine Hudson - Healed
All employees of Smurfit Stone Container Corp - Employed
Sheron Carter - Healed
Rosalyn Lynch - Employed
Louise Caillouet - Blessed
Tyrhonda Statam - Financially blessed
Betty Villalobos - Healed
Shashawn- Employed
Cedric and Neko Sheriff - Forgiven, Reconciled, Marriage Restored
Albert Stewart- Healed
Eugene Robinson - Healed
Daffenie King- Financially Blessed (Single mother with three Blessed children)
Neko Sheriff - Financially Blessed
Joyce Reed & Son - Delivered and Blessed